Sunday, August 16, 2009

A letter to a stranger

Congratulations on becoming a corps member. I know you are up to your ears in planning and paperwork now. You might be wondering what the hell you are doing. The answer is: the right thing.

I don't remember feeling courageous as an applicant, but I do remember how it felt during those two years to drive to school with the odds stacked against me - against us. I want you to know that the effort and time you will put forth, your sacrifice, and the change you will bring about are shared among us. You will never be alone in your vision.

Do not forget to be yourself. If you used to go out to have a good time, keep doing it. You will hear many voices as a corps member. Do not forget to listen to your own.

They asked us to share a story with you. All mine would be like the ones you have already heard except one: a police dog nearly mauled me on my first day. I teach in North Carolina. I was in the Charlotte corps. Contact me if you need to talk to someone who has been in the fire. Best of luck. I feel vindicated in my efforts as younger, more energetic people like yourself fight for equity.

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