Friday, April 10, 2009

Never a good idea; writing to write

I heard a song in the film "Baby Mama" that made me feel good. Hundreds of songs like this one would make me happy if my head wasn't in a hole. Wow that sounds horrible. I had a decent week but can't get something out of my mind.

My kids bombed a test this week. It was the kind of bomb that leaves nothing but flat terrain and a few smoldering heaps of ash they think is knowledge. They scored slightly better than 25 percent on a multiple-choice test. I know, I know. Sometimes you don't catch on fire. Sometimes life gives a one-in-four shot.

So I went for drinks and a mushroom-swiss burger with a colleague who I consider a good friend. That eased the pain a little, but I'm writing a post on Friday night while rain falls outside.

Charlotte had a call-in radio show in which each caller told the host about something good in his life. It lifted my spirits during long drives home from a job I hated. The callers talked about family, friends, sports teams, etc. The show impressed me with its power and simplicity.

My life still seems full of possibility. I feel young, but I'm not that young anymore. My career does not grip me, but a career change seems exciting. The economy sucks, but I have a job. I heard an edition of American Public Media's "The Story" about a girl who went on a one-way road trip with her dying father that made me feel lucky. I have next week off. Tonight I closed my eyes and let the rain hit my face.

The song made me do it.

The song is The Boy Least Likely To's "Be Gentle with Me." I am reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, a nonfiction novel that might make my short Facebook favorite list by the time I'm finished. Big potatoes.

Tell me something good in your life.

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